Women Who Walk Alone At Night.

Last night I was harassed on the street, all because of my gender. Other women and girls who are reading this will sadly immediately know what I’m talking about, and will understand that it can be one of the most terrifying experiences of your life. Men and boys who read this might have some understanding, but they will never ever experience it to this level.

Last night I was walking with a group of friends through the town. A couple hundred feet behind us, there was a group of rowdy – possibly drunk – boys from my year, aged 16+. They somehow recognised me and started shouting my name, but we all just ignored them. We reached a crossing and while most of them carried up the same road, me and my friend H crossed over and started walking parallel to the rest of our friends on the other side of the road. I still have no clue why we did this and I wish we’d stayed with the rest of our friends.

As we were crossing the road, the boys noticed that H was a guy and although there’s nothing between us, they started to shout horrible things about how I was chasing after him and wanted to ‘pounce on his genitalia’. Yes, those were their exact words. Now at that point H did the worst thing he could do: he sped up in front of me and started to walk away. It made me look like a sad idiot literally chasing after a guy and the boys noticed this and were shouting abuse at me. Then H turned up a side street – the opposite way from which I was going – and My. Heart. Stopped. I was suddenly alone, in the dark on the street while a group of boys shouted abuse at me and there was nothing I could do to stop them. One of them, the ringleader, tried coaxing me over the road to join them and despite the fact I was nearly running, they somehow kept up on the other side of the road. I couldn’t see my other friends, I had no idea where H was or where I was going, all I knew was that I had to get far far away from them.

Eventually they disappeared up a street but I kept running because I was scared they would double back and find me. To a lot of people it might sound like I was overreacting but until you are in the situation where a group of 6 large boys who are twice the height and have ten times the strength of you are harassing you on the street in the dark while you are completely alone, you will have no idea how terrifying it is.

I’d just reached our meeting place when H walk through the door, laughing. H thought it was so funny. I called him a prick and he looked confused, like he didn’t even realise I’d been scared for life. I told him he had no clue what it was like, and that he was a dickhead for leaving me, and then I went and sat in the bathrooms for 10 minutes Β while I had a breakdown. My heart was racing, my hands were shaking and tears were coursing down my face for what felt like no reason, but all I could think of (and still am thinking of) was how I would cope on Monday at school. All of the boys are in my year, and I’m terrified to go back. Honestly I’d rather shove my fingers down my throat to fake ill than go.

Women who walk alone at night are the bravest people in the world. Women who stick their keys between their fingers in a fist may be terrified, yet they are still resilient. I don’t know if I’ll ever live in a world where I am fearless while walking alone, but maybe this can raise awareness among young men that what they see as ‘just banter’ scares the life out of women. I know that if i reported this to the school or even the police, nothing would come of it. They’d say it was my fault for getting separated from my friends, that it was my fault I was so scared, that ‘boys will be boys’. Everyday sexism still exists in the world, in 2016, whether you want to believe it or not.

I’m sorry for the depressing-ranty post, but I use my blog almost like a therapy session. I’ll be doing more cheerful posts soon, I promise πŸ™‚

LittleBlog x

18 thoughts on “Women Who Walk Alone At Night.

  1. Inspired Teen says:

    Hey! I just wanted to leave a comment to tell you how amazing it was to read a post like this, obviously it was absolutely terrible and I can’t even imagine how it felt as I’ve never experienced anything to quite that level, but to write about it on here and share your story with others is really admirable! You’ve got lots of courage and you should be proud of that πŸ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Zoey says:

    H is an idiot. Plain and simple. And I’m happy that you’re safe. Yeah, unfortunately, sexism still does exist. I wouldn’t take it to heart what they said–they were drunk after all. But I can understand how you feel, as words do hurt. I bet H left because he wanted to protect his “reputation/manhood.” Did you explain to him why what he did was wrong? What did he say? This was scary to read. I can’t imagine going through this.

    Boys take a lot of things for granted. A lot of them can’t handle the topic of feminism. It makes them uncomfortable. It really is a sad sight.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. girlybloggerweb says:

    i feel so bad for you. i agree that most of the boys wont understand what we girls are always going through and if that ‘friend’ of yours IS a boy he still should understand i hope he has understood and apologized to you! and even though we women are scared we are still strong. always remember that god is with us and with you ❀

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Tanya Sahay says:

    What the hell is wrong with those guys. I am so sorry, that this happened. What is wrong with this H, how could he find this funny. I hope you feel better soon. I agree with Aditi and Elly take a break if you require also nobody has the effing right to make you feel unsafe. I am so angry. Take care of yourself.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Luna says:

    god this is so disgusting, i’m so sorry this happened to you. i was getting scared just reading this, anyways glad you’re safe and hope you feel okay soon. also not to be rude but this H definitely IS a prick, seriously hopefully he gets it now and knows it wasn’t funny at all.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Elly-Grace says:

    I’m sorry that this has happened to you girl. It’s so shocking. Don’t think that this is acceptable behaviour and that you are overreacting because you most definitely are not. I agree with Aditi Pallod, take a break from school if you need to help you recover. It’s totally okay.

    Take care darling. xxx

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Aditi Pallod says:

    I am so sorry. I feel awful that this has happened to you. Those boys are idiots, and I hope that H now understands that he shouldn’t have left you. Please feel better, and take a break from school if you need to — you definitely should NOT have felt abused or harassed last night.

    Liked by 1 person

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